Purpose of the School Advisory Council
The Board of Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools Ltd (MACS) has responsibility for the strategic direction and oversight of the operation and management of MACS schools, including St Justin’s Primary School. Clear lines of authority, reporting and delegation from the MACS Board through the MACS Executive Director delegate the day to day operational management of St Justin’s Primary School to its principal.
In keeping with the objects of the MACS Constitution, which states “The good work of educating the young, undertaken in the light of the Gospel, is a co-responsible task led by every member of the Catholic school community”, the School Advisory Council provides a crucial point of connection between the wider school community and school leaders. While the School Advisory Council does not have governance responsibility or decision-making authority, it supports the principal and school leadership and provides an important connection to the parish.
It is not a governing body but its role is to support the overall governance of the system as it “is to give consideration to, and advice on, important school matters in order to support the principal and the strategic interest of the school.” (Working Together in Mission p.11)
Role of the School Advisory Council
Advisory in nature
The School Advisory Council provides a forum for discussion and discernment, where the parent/guardian voice and perspective are available to inform and support the decisions made by the principal and parish priest for the good of school and parish where the wellbeing and outcomes for students is paramount.
It is important that School Advisory Council members understand that their primary role is to provide support and advice on important school matters to support the principal in the context of the MACS governance arrangements. School Advisory Councils do not have a legal identity and do not become involved in the day-to-day management of the school. The School Advisory Council must act within the parameters of these Terms of Reference.
MACS provides support to the School Advisory Council, such as policy guidance and templates for the work of the council. While not immediately responsible for the activities of the council, utilising the principle of subsidiarity, the principle of solidarity acknowledges that MACS Board, as the governing body of MACS schools, is responsible for common good of Catholic education in MACS schools the Archdiocese and thus is ultimately responsible for making any decision about the establishment of a council and its arrangements.
The following are some ways the School Advisory Council supports the school and the principal:
Articulating and enacting the school’s vision and mission
Promoting the school’s Catholic ethos and culture
Promoting faith formation and development
Implementing school policies as required
Giving advice to the principal on issues such as enrolments, school improvement plans and enrolment trends
Engaging in discussion with the principal about the annual school budget and other financial matters
Giving advice to the principal about the school Master Plan
Capital resource planning and maintenance support to the principal
The School Advisory Council is not the governing body of a school, and as such does not have a decision-making authority due to it not having a legal identity. While a vital forum for parent and community voice, it is not a forum for individual parent advocacy or special interest representation and does not become involved in the day-to-day management of the school. It does not take on the role of a parent and friends group, a fundraising forum or fete orgainising committee.

The P&F assume responsibility for organising social and fundraising events. Each year they identify a specific goal and work to raise funds to achieve the target.
The P&F meet monthly, where all parents are welcome to attend to help with school fundraising. These meetings are an opportunity for parents to suggest new ideas and volunteer, and usually ends with a coffee session enabling parents to get to know one another.

The M & D team work to maintain the school buildings and grounds. This dedicated group of parents arrange regular working bees to tackle both major and minor works that have been selected for focus. The work of the parents has resulted in our most delightful school setting. Please note that all parents are required to have a Working With Children Check.

Academy Uniforms supply our school uniform. They are located at 2/810-818 Princes Highway, Springvale. Their hours of operation are Tuesday to Thursday 9.00am to 5.00pm and Saturday 9.00am to 12.00pm. They also offer extended trading hours throughout January.
Parents can visit the store and buy directly from Academy Uniforms.
Parents can also order uniform items online:
1. Go to
2. Select ‘order online’
3. Choose St. Justin’s from the drop down list
4. Enter the password ‘Wheelers Hill’
Uniforms ordered online can be delivered directly to your home which will incur a delivery fee of $12, collected directly from the store, or delivered directly to the school (free of charge) on a Thursday and these uniform items will be sent home using the classroom bucket system.

COMMUNITY EVENT - Saturday 9th November 2024
St Justin’s Fair on the Hill is a wonderful community event, usually held on the weekend of the Melbourne Cup. Our Fair is organised by volunteer members of our Parish Community and provides an opportunity for us all to come together to celebrate our many gifts and talents.
Through our Fair on the Hill, we endeavour to provide something for everyone - magnificent performances, rides, beautiful stalls, a range of activities and outstanding food.
Come and join us at our next Fair on the Hill and experience all that it has to offer. We would love to see you there.
For more information, click or